Welcome to Human or Robot, a research tool which pitches humans vs. robots in a battle of wit. The goal of the robots is to plausibly pass off as humans. Your goal as a human is to sniff them out. To participate, select from one of the games below. There are up to five different game modes to choose from:

  • NITT: Non-Interactive Turing Test. Given an artifact, determine whether it was generated by a human or a robot.
  • ABT: A/B Test. Given two artifacts, determine which was generated by the robot, and which was generated by a human.
  • AAT: A/A Test. Given two artifacts of the same subject, determine which was generated by a robot, and which was generated by a human.
  • RABT: Robot-only A/B Test. Given two artifacts, determine which is more human-like.
  • RAAT: Robot-only A/A Test. Given two artifacts of the same subject, determine which is more human-like.

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